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New rights to non Danish speaking member of the Union

General Assembly: Decision on translation at the General Assembly, a joint magasin for the language club and more
Robert Marinescu chairman of The Romanian speaking club

The Roman speaking club had submitted two proposals to the BJMF General Assembly on May 8th 2019. 

The two suggestions were that members who do not speak Danish, get the right to interpretation at the association's general Assemblys, and that the union's clubs for members who do not speak Danish can have their own magazine, on an equal footing with the industry clubs. 

Colleagues from Poland and Spain had come to support the proposal. The Romanian-speaking club chairman, Robert Marinescu, was on the pulpit with the BJMF romanian speaking official Kati Niculae, and told about the two proposals and they were adopted with minor changes to the original proposal. 

The adopted proposal is as follows:

1) If at least five members who speak the same language who need to translate from Danish into their language, informs daily management that they will attend a general Assembly no later than one week before the general Assembly. BJMF will make sure that the meeting is translated into their language, and their contribution at the meeting will be translated into Danish.

2) BJMF will allow the language clubs to publish a joint edition of the union magazine Faglig Focus for their members. On the same terms as we do today the industry clubs.

3) BJMF will allow a language club who have more than 150 members, and who will take responsibility for publishing, can have their own edition of the union magazine Faglig Focus for their members. On the same terms as we do today the industry clubs.

In addition, the General Assembly decided that the language clubs in the future will be able to get a member fees, on a par with industry and workplace clubs in BJMF. All in all, it was a good general Assembly, for not Danish-speaking members of BJMF!