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News from BJMF Immigrant


Watch out for asbestos - it's deadly!

Every week the union discovers construction sites where workers are exposed to asbestos

FLC strejke

Equal pay for all on the Fehmarnbelt project!

The contractor FLC signed an agreement, which ends discrimination on the Fehmarnbelt project, and gives equal pay to their Polish, Romanian and Danish construction workers.


MigrantCenter helps workers in Denmark who do not speak Danish

The MigrantCenter Copenhagen offers: Free information and counselling, independent and trustworthy volunteers and staff, interpretation into several languages, full anonymity and confidentiality and collaboration with strong organisations.

Polsk klubblad

Polish club makes magazine

The first copy of the new PKB magazine is about hidden work injuries

Edijs Pupolus home in Latvia

Can you go to your home country when you get sick?

The municipality took sickness benefits from Ejdis because he had traveled home to Latvia, but the union helped him overturn the municipality's decision.