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About the Union representative

Many 3F members are shop stewards because they want to help create a better workplace and professional organization. You can also help make a difference in your workplace.

A trade union representative is the backbone of 3F and your union's representative in the workplace. He/she has a number of important tasks, where the primary task is to ensure that the collective agreement is respected.

Your trade union representative is also your intermediary to both your employer and trade union if you need help with questions about your working conditions. Therefore, you can always go to your trade union representative if something is wrong.

Another important task for the trade union representative is to engage and involve his colleagues. It is important that the colleagues have a strong belief that they can influence the workplace with unity and together with others. And the more people who support the trade union representative and are members of 3F, the stronger your voice is in the workplace.

Are you considering becoming a trade union representative?

As a union representative, you are never alone. On the contrary, there is a huge network of committed people from other workplaces - both from your local area and from the rest of Denmark.

In the network of trade union representatives, you can be inspired and share knowledge about current issues. In many places there is a good network across the departments around the individual industries.

If you would like to become a trade union representative, you can contact your local 3F trade union, which can tell you about how to choose a trade union representative, which courses you can take and which courses are compulsory. The courses contribute both to your personal development, and you are continuously better equipped to help your colleagues as best as possible.

Election of union representative

The rules for choosing a trade union representative are in the collective agreement and differ from place to place. For example, most contain a requirement for how long one must have been employed before one can be elected.

The collective agreement also contains rules for how many employees you must be in order to elect a trade union representative.