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Social dialogue

We work to strengthen the social dialogue between the social partner on the labour market – both at workplaces and in regard to negotiations on a national level.

Not many developing countries have a strong tradition for social dialogue between trade unions and employer and business organizations. The lack of social dialogue increases the risk of uncontrolled labour conflicts that can turn into social turbulence, and result in low productivity and job insecurity. A situation that does not benefit neither workers, businesses, nor society. 
A precondition for productive social dialogue is the existence of strong and equal organizations on both sides of the table - i.e. social partners who are able to honour the agreements made, and who trust each other to keep the promises made.  

When each party is able to organize, engage in constructive dialogue, and negotiate binding agreements through democratically elected representatives, they are better able to create long-term solutions. This applies to issues such as salaries, work environment, and technical and vocational education and training.

Strong labour market organizations contribute positively to the development of democratic societies. With the support from their members, they can contribute to public debate and influence legislation within policy areas such as trade, social security, gender equality, health, and education.

The Danish Trade Union Development Agency, the Confederation of Danish Industry, and 3F each work to support sister organizations in taking part in social dialogue at  bipartite and tripartite levels.