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When you have just moved to Denmark

When you have just moved to Denmark (Nytilflyttet til Danmark) At one of the four international Citizen Service Centres in Denmark, you can get help with respect to which papers you need to have when you have taken up residence in Denmark.

When you have just moved into the country, you need a residence permit or a certificate of registry.
You will further be required to:

  • register with the National Registration Office (Folkeregistret)
  • be issued a tax card
  • be issued a National Health Service medical card
  • be issued a NemID for secure electronic access
  • perhaps be issued a Danish driving license


When you take up residence in Denmark for the first time, you can get personal assistance for all this at one of the four International Citizen Service Centres located in Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense and Aalborg.


Get personal assistance by SKAT

In matters of tax issues, you have the opportunity of a personal meeting with SKAT, the Danish tax authorities, at one of the tax centres by first calling the number dedicated to foreign callers, 72 22 28 92, to make an appointment. At this meeting, you must provide information about your income and expenses in order that SKAT will be able to calculate your future tax payments.


The following tax centres provide personal assistance by appointment: Rønne, Copenhagen, Høje-Taastrup, Fredensborg, Næstved, Odense, Haderslev, Esbjerg (Ribe), Aarhus, Herning, Struer and Aalborg.


However, only the following tax centres will provide assistance specifically for foreigners:

Esbjerg (Ribe), Aarhus, Aalborg, Odense and Copenhagen. 


SKAT is also authorised to issue NemID which will provide secure electronic assess to your personal tax information – E-tax – on www.skat.dk/tastselv. Using this access, you make sure that SKAT will always have the correct information concerning your tax relations. You obtain access to your tax information by logging in, using your NemID, from SKAT's website (TastSelv). This website further provides information to keep you updated on rules and regulations and will, at the same time, be your entry portal for SKAT's E-tax service (TastSelv).


Citizen Service Centre (Borgerservice)

NemID is a secure digital signature that can be applied for online self-service with respect to e.g. SKAT, your municipality and your bank.

The Citizen Service Centre provides assistance in connection with issuing NemID. You can also order NemID digitally from www.nemID.nu